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How do I Setup an AutoResponder in webmail

What is an AutoResponder?

An autoresponder is a computer program which automatically sends a response when an email is sent to a specific email address.


Step 1.   Login to Webmail.

Step 2. Click your email address in the top-right corner, and then click the Auto responder’s link.


Step 3.  Click the Add Auto Responder button.

Step 4. You will now be able to fill in the fields to setup your AutoResponder. Below is a brief description of the available options.

Character SetThe standard Character set is “utf-8,” but you can change it here.
IntervalHere you can set how many hours to wait before autoresponding to the same email address.
EmailThis will list the email address you are setting up the autoresponder for.
FromYou can enter a “From” address here. I recommend using the same address you used in the Email field.
SubjectEnter a subject line here. For example: “John is out of the office.”
HTMLCheck this if you want to enter HTML into the “Body” of your email.
BodyEnter your Autoresponder message here.
StartChoose if want this autoresponder to begin Immediately or set a Custom start time.
StopHere you can set a Custom date for your Autoresponder to stop responding, or set to Never

Step 5. Click the Create/Modify button to save your changes. You are finished when you see a message stating “You have successfully created auto responder.